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Desirable behavior is behavior that aligns with social norms, cultural expectations, and ethical principles. It involves showing respect, responsibility, empathy, and cooperation towards others. Demonstrating desirable behavior helps to foster positive relationships and create harmonious environments.

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Q: What is desirable behavior?
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Why do teachers tend to tolerate too little desirable behavior?

Why do teacher tend to tolerate too little desirable behavior?

Does positive reinforcement decrease the behavior that procedes it that?

Positive reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again by rewarding it with something desirable. It does not decrease the behavior that precedes it, but rather strengthens the behavior that follows.

What is Behavior Modification is?

Behavior modification is the process of eliminating unwanted behaviors and replacing them with more desirable ones. Behavior modification is along process that involves find the root cause of unwanted behaviors.

What makes someone desirable?

There are a number of things which make someone desirable. These will mostly have to do with their character and personality which influences their behavior.

What refers to procedures that combine conditioning and modeling to eliminate undesirable behaviors and increase desirable responses?

behavior modification

What is the job of Ruth Grout?

It is the translation of what is known about health into desirable individual and community behavior patterns by means of educational process.

Does negative punishment involve withdrawing a desirable consequence of a certain behavior?

The question suggests that negative punishment is the same as withdrawing positive reinforcement. This is not exactly true. A "desirable consequence" is what behaviorists call an appetitive stimulus: one that, when made contingent on a target behavior, serves to increase the likelihood of that behavior happening again. That is the main idea behind positive reinforcement. Negative punishment, on the other hand, is meant to decrease the likelihood of the target behavior. It is called "negative" because it is withdrawing an appetitive stimulus which is pre-existing. In other words, the withdrawal of the stimulus is contingent on the target behavior; negative punishment is not a withdrawal of the contingency itself.

How do you stop dogs that lick other dogs face?

This is a form of greeting and respect for dogs. You shouldn't stop it. It is a natural and desirable behavior.

What is transactional business leadership?

Its principles are to motivate by the exchange process. Transactional behavior focuses on the accomplishment of tasks and good worker relationships in exchange for desirable rewards.

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What is the cause for teens drinking?

Drinking is seen as an enjoyable behavior. Laws prohibiting alcohol consumption under the age of 21 makes it appear all the more desirable.

Escape from an aversive stimulus is a reinforcer?

Yes, escape from an aversive stimulus can be a negative reinforcement, as the behavior of escaping is strengthened by the removal of the aversive stimulus. In other words, the individual learns that performing the escape behavior results in a desirable outcome, which increases the likelihood of the behavior being repeated in similar situations.