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Q: What is density dependent and what problems do they cause?
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Is density independent or dependent?

Disease is Density dependent.

Is Change in the number of predators density dependent or density independent?

Density Dependent

Is intense competition for a food source a density independent or density dependent?

density independent or density dependent?Intense Competitonn For A Food Source

What problems does pathogen cause?

By definition, a pathogen is an organism that causes disease. So the "problems" are dependent on the particlar organism.

What are the density-dependent?

Mass and volume are density dependent factors food supply

Is a density-dependent factor?

Space and food sources are density-dependent factors.

What is the limiting factor on the population of arctic foxes?

density dependent

Is an intense competition for a food source density dependent or independent?

density dependent

Which density is dependent on temperature?

Relative density

Is flooding a density dependent?

No, Its a Density Independent

A cell tissue that does not exhibit density-dependent is what kind of tissue?

Cancer tissues are not density dependent.

How do you use density-dependent in a sentence?

The student's report included density-dependent factors that showed how the size of the population varied with the density of that population.