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Delayed feedback refers to a situation where the consequences of an action are not immediately communicated to the individual performing the action. This delay in feedback can make it harder for individuals to connect their actions with the outcomes, thereby affecting their ability to learn from their experiences in a timely manner.

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Q: What is delayed feedback?
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Related questions

What is an example of delayed feedback?

An example of delayed feedback is when a student hands in an assignment to their teacher, but the teacher waits a few days before providing feedback on it. This delay can make it challenging for the student to connect the feedback with the work they completed.

What are the types of feedback in communication?

The types of feedback in the communication process are: Delayed feedback and immediate feedback It must be kept in the mind that feedback is the response to output

What has the author Geoffrey Scruton written?

Geoffrey Scruton has written: 'Studies in delayed speed feedback'

What is disadvantages of formal feedback?

Some disadvantages of formal feedback include that it can be infrequent and delayed, leading to a lack of timely improvement for the individual receiving feedback. Additionally, formal feedback can sometimes feel impersonal and may not address specific behaviors or situations in a detailed manner.

Delayed audience feedback is always associated with?

Decreased engagement, diminished impact, and potential confusion among audience members. Timing is crucial in receiving and acting upon feedback to ensure a positive outcome or effective communication.

What electrical devices are used to treat stuttering?

The Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) and Frequency-Shifting Auditory Feedback (FAF) are electronic devices that pick up a voice from a microphone, delay the sound for a fraction of a second, and feed the voice back. There is a list of them and where to get them on the web site for The Stuttering Foundation of America.

Why is feedback in mass communication said to be delayed?

First, feedback in this context does not refer to a loud and distorted sound coming out of your speakers. This kind of feedback refers to a response or a reaction from the audience. In mass communication, feedback is delayed because there is no way for the speaker or performer or author to know what every member of the audience is thinking or feeling. For example, I just wrote a new book. (Books are an example of mass communication.) I hope you will read it, but when you do, how will I know whether you like it or not? Even if you send me an e-mail, there is a delay between when you got the book, when you read it, and when you sent the e-mail. Or, let's say I just watched my favorite program on TV. I want to tell the lead actress that I think her performance was amazing. However, there will be delay from the time I send the message to when she receives it (assuming she receives it at all). SO, one characteristic of mass communication is that when the message is sent out via radio or TV or a magazine or the internet or some other mass medium, there is a gap between when the public reacts to it and when they are able to respond. That is why feedback is said to be "delayed."

What has the author Nguyen van Minh written?

Nguyen van Minh has written: 'Solution for a nonlinear nuclear reactor with negative prompt feedback and one-group delayed neutron' -- subject(s): Mechanical engineering

What is is delayed adjective?

It is delayed

What is the word for feedback on feedback?

feedback feedback

What is delayed acceleration?

What is Delayed acceleration techniques

How do you spell delayed?

Delayed is the correct spelling.