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When a plane travels near to or faster than the speed of sound then the air pressure near the plane's body reduces and due to aerodynamically design the pressure change shifts towards the tail .
Due to low pressure the moisture and air around there contract instantly and forms a cloud and then that air expands rapidly created a loud burst (It can Break Glass).
Here is your answer, It is SONIC BOOM.

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A shock wave is created when an airplane travels faster than the speed of sound.

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Q: What is created when an airplane travels faster than the speed of sound?
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What is an airplane that travels faster than sound called?

An airplane that travels faster than sound is called a supersonic aircraft.

What is created when a airplane travels faster than the speed of sound?

When an airplane travels faster than the speed of sound, it creates a sonic boom. This is a loud noise produced by the shock waves formed as the aircraft exceeds the speed of sound.

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lightning travels faster. Light is faster than sound.

Can a sound be faster than a other sound?

yes, sound travels faster in liquids and solids than in gases e.g. faster in water than through air. The denser the solid, the faster the sound travels.

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What travels faster airplanes or speed of sound?

Airplanes travel faster than the speed of sound. The speed of sound at sea level is around 767 mph (1,235 km/h), while commercial airplanes can reach speeds of over 600 mph (965 km/h) and military jets can exceed the speed of sound, reaching supersonic speeds.

What type of air does sound travel faster in?

Sound travels faster in moist air

What effect does water have on sound?

Sound travels faster in water.

Will sound travel faster in solid liquid or gas?

Sound is a compression wave that travels via then vibrations of particles. If the particles are closer together then the wave (sound) moves faster. Particles are closer together in a liquid than a gas, therefore sound travels faster through liquids.

What is the name of the passenger airplane that flies faster than the sound of speed?

The passenger airplane that flies faster than the speed of sound is called the Concorde.

Does sound travel faster in the air or water?

Sound travels faster in water thanin air.

Sound travels faster in a?

"dense medium"