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The turbinates at the top of the nose are moist and exist to moisten air as it enters the respiratory tract.

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Q: What is covered with damp air and are found in the top of the nose?
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Is hot air richer in oxygen than damp air?

No, the concentration of oxygen remains the same in both hot and damp air. The difference lies in the density of the air, where hot air is less dense than damp air.

What is damp stale air?

A noun for damp, stale air is must or mustiness; the adjectives are musty or dank.

What is blackdamp?

Blackdamp is another term for choke damp - an asphyxiant found in enclosed places such as mines and sewers after oxygen has been removed from the air.

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What tissue is the nose made of?

The nose is primarily made of cartilage, a flexible connective tissue that gives it structure and shape. The inner lining of the nose is covered with mucous membranes, which help moisten the air we breathe in and trap particles like dust and bacteria. Overall, the nose is composed of a complex network of blood vessels, nerves, and small hair cells called cilia.

Does tiny hair in your nose help to trap water vapour found in the air?

No. It only helps to trap dust

What parts of the nose which keep the air warm and moist?

The fine nose hair and the mucus. The mucus moist the air and the nose hair traps the dust and cleans the air.

Does a nail rust faster when the air is damp or dry?

A nail will rust faster in damp air because moisture accelerates the corrosion process by providing the water and oxygen needed for rusting to occur. Dry air slows down the rusting process by limiting the availability of water and oxygen.

Why you always breath in air by the help of nose?

you don't breath in air with the help of your nose the time.

What is the region of thunderstorms?

Thunderstorms occur when there is warm air that rises. This air must also be damp or moisturized. Therefore, areas that are warm and humid are usually where thunderstorms occur. (These places are most commonly found around the equator)

Why does bleaching powder smell of chlorine in damp air?

When bleaching powder (calcium hypochlorite) is exposed to damp air, it reacts with water to release chlorine gas. This characteristic smell of chlorine gas is what you detect when using or opening a container of bleaching powder in damp conditions.

What are two functions of the nose?

The nose functions to warm, humidify, and filter air as it enters the respiratory system. It also plays a role in smelling by detecting and interpreting various scents through olfactory receptors in the nasal cavity.