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In general, however, a nuclear fission reaction involves the fissioning (or splitting) of heavy atoms (heavy, as in greater than lead, due to the binding energy curve), which results in release of some of the binding energy that was used to sustain the un-fissioned combination.

Also, depending on which nuclide is fissioned, extra neutrons result, and these neutrons can (under the right conditions) go on to fission more atoms, in a process called criticality, or, simply, a nuclear fission chain reaction.

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8mo ago

In a nuclear fission reaction, the nucleus of an atom is split into two smaller nuclei. This process releases a large amount of energy and typically involves the use of a neutron to initiate the reaction. The resulting smaller nuclei and additional neutrons can then go on to potentially initiate further fission reactions.

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In actuality, a spontaneous fission event begins a nuclear chain reaction. It kick starts a nuclear chain reaction. And a neutron from that fission will initiate another fission to continue and rev up that nuclear chain reaction.

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When nuclear fission is repeated in a self-sustaining chain reaction, it is called a nuclear reactor or a nuclear power plant.

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Reactions that involve nuclei, called nuclear reactions, result in a tremendous amount of energy. Two types are fission and fusion.

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Nuclear fission is the term that describes the reaction process in which the nucleus of an atom is split into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy.

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The nuclear reaction when atoms split is called fission. Fission is where atoms split into smaller particles or atoms.