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composition of population refers to the arrangement of popullation of population according to the social characteristics such as age,sex,religionand occupation.

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Q: What is composition of population?
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What is the single most important factor in determining the size and composition of the labor force?

Population growth is the single most important factor in determining the size and composition of the labor force. A growing population can lead to an increase in the labor force, while factors such as aging demographics can impact the composition of the labor force.

What is its national composition?

The national composition refers to the different ethnic or racial groups that make up a particular country's population. It can vary greatly from country to country depending on historical, cultural, and demographic factors. Are you referring to the national composition of a specific country or region?

Name 3 limiting factors for population?

Three limiting factors for population growth are availability of resources such as food and water, space for living and reproduction, and the presence of predators and disease that regulate population size.

Which of the circumstances would most likely increase the chances of the mutation eventually changing the genetic composition of a whole population of armadillos?

A mutation that provides a significant advantage, such as increased survival or reproductive success, would likely increase the chances of spreading through a whole population of armadillos. Additionally, a large population size and high rates of reproduction would also increase the likelihood of the mutation affecting the genetic composition of the population over time.

What is ecological drift?

Ecological drift is the random fluctuation in the composition of a population due to chance events like natural disasters or genetic drift. It can lead to a loss of genetic diversity and potentially impact the long-term survival of a population or species.

Related questions

What does composition of population mean?

population composition refers to the structure of population

What was the population Composition 2011 India?

Give a long note on :Population Composition Of India in 2011

What is a GDP composition?

Wealth divided by population.

Example of a composition on population control?

5% of U.S population is men (TROLLED)

What is the single most important factor in determining the size and composition of the labor force?

Population growth is the single most important factor in determining the size and composition of the labor force. A growing population can lead to an increase in the labor force, while factors such as aging demographics can impact the composition of the labor force.

What was Middle colonies population composition in the 1600's?

probaly around 25000

Why does population composition matter?

Population composition matters because it can have significant impacts on a nation's labor force, economic productivity, social dynamics, and healthcare needs. Understanding the age, gender, education level, and distribution of a population helps policymakers anticipate future trends and plan for social services, infrastructure, and labor market demands. In addition, population composition can influence political power, cultural norms, and overall societal well-being.

What is the ethnic composition of Canada?

Yes, it does it is one the main country's with a diverse ethnically population!

What is the theory that examines the ways in which the composition of a city's population influences life in the city?

Urban sociology examines the ways in which the composition of a city's population influences life in the city. This includes studying aspects such as demographics, social structures, and inequalities within urban areas.

What is social composition?

Social composition is the overall aggregate of all population demographics over a given sample or defined area. Social composition includes the demographics of age brackets, self-identification of faith, gender, and national background, income, and political affiliation.

What has the author George Graf written?

George Graf has written: 'The effects of an insecticide stress on genetic composition and population dynamics of a natural population of Mus musculus' -- subject(s): Electrophoresis, Insecticides, Population genetics

What is a change in the genetic composition of a population of organism over a period of time?

A change in the genetic composition of a population of organisms over time is known as evolution. This occurs through processes such as natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow, leading to changes in allele frequencies in a population's gene pool. These changes can result in the emergence of new traits, species, and adaptations.