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Categorization is the process of grouping similar objects or events together based on their common characteristics to help organize and make sense of information. It involves identifying patterns or relationships among items and assigning them to specific categories or classes. This process can aid in information retrieval, decision-making, and cognitive understanding.

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There are lots of dichotomous categories (not catagories!) that can be used and the choice depends on the purpose. One possible categorisation is fixed or marginal. Fixed expenses are those that will be incurred irrespective of usage. For example, you pay your rent (or mortgage) whether you are there every day of the month or spend most of it away on holiday. Marginal expenses depend on the usage. An example might be your spending on food.Another possible categorisation might be necessity or luxury. In the UK this defines, to a large extent, whether or not the expenditure is subject to value added tax (VAT).

Why should you not group students using book levels?

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Where can someone buy antique sideboard buffet?

There are many website online that connects dealers to buyers and one well known website has got to be ebay. It offers thousands of products for each search and has an attracting menu and easy to use categorisation service sure to get you an antique sideboard buffet.

Is romeo and juilet a book for children or can adults read it?

Romeo and Juliet is basically a play written by Shakespeare. Doubtless many versions of the story have been produced, some more suitable for adults, some more suitable foir children. But never feel restricted by a categorisation - if you want to read any book, then read it, broaden your mind.

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Warehousing term is used whenever it is about something to be stored in great quantity with proper categorisation for easy accessibility in need; same applies for data warehouse. It only gets in dept in case of data; relevancy, timeliness and analysis followed by reporting are of prime importance. Source(s):