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Cancer is a disease of cells causing uncontrolled cell division. Certain proteins are a control system that regulate passage through a restriction point. This means that once the cell division cycle begins it will continue to the end.
Altered regulation of expression of at least one protein (cyclin) as well as mutations of several proteins that regulate passage through the restriction point can be cancer producing.

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Q: What is cancer what causes it and how is it related to the cell cycle.?
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What is the relationship between cancer and cells?

All cancer is related to the cell cycle. The cell cycle is the cycle of events and regulations that occur through the life of a cell. Part of the cell cycle is cell division. This process needs to be carefully regulated, because un-controlled cell division is called cancer. There are molecules within a cell that respond to signals and stimuli from the envoronment to decide is the cell is allowed to divide. These pathways relay mostly on cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinases. If the regulations fail in a cell - in this case, a skin cell - then you have a cencerous condition in the tissue - in this case, skin cancer.

How does the cancer affect the cell cycle?

Cancer can disrupt the normal regulation of the cell cycle, leading to uncontrolled cell division and tumor formation. Mutations in genes that control cell cycle checkpoints can allow cancer cells to bypass mechanisms that normally prevent excessive cell growth. This disruption of the cell cycle can contribute to the unchecked proliferation of cancer cells.

Is it appropriate to connect cancer and the cell cycle?

Yes, it is appropriate to connect cancer with the cell cycle as many types of cancer involve abnormalities in cell cycle regulation. Cancer cells typically have mutations that disrupt the normal checkpoints and controls in the cell cycle, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation. Understanding how these disruptions occur can help in developing targeted therapies for cancer.

Why do cancer cells have a shorter cell cycle?

Cancer cells often have mutations that disrupt normal cell cycle regulation, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and division. This disruption can cause cancer cells to divide more rapidly, resulting in a shorter cell cycle compared to normal cells.

Is cancer AA result of a failure of cell cycle control system?

Yes, cancer can result from a failure of the cell cycle control system. When the cell cycle control mechanisms that regulate the orderly progression of cell division are disrupted, it can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and division, which are characteristic features of cancer.

Related questions

How does lung cancer effect the cell cycle?

A change in the Cell cycle causes Lung cancer or any other cancer. lung cancer doesn't affect the cell cycle. In the interphase of the cell there are three phases G1, S and the G2 phase . generally the cells enter G0(g zero) phase if further division of cells is not needed. this is controlled by the cell cycle regulatory compounds(cyclins and kinases). If the cell doesn't enter the G0 phase, this causes continuous division of them and called a cancer. this is brought up by Carcinogens (cancer causing agents).

What is the relationship between cancer and cells?

All cancer is related to the cell cycle. The cell cycle is the cycle of events and regulations that occur through the life of a cell. Part of the cell cycle is cell division. This process needs to be carefully regulated, because un-controlled cell division is called cancer. There are molecules within a cell that respond to signals and stimuli from the envoronment to decide is the cell is allowed to divide. These pathways relay mostly on cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinases. If the regulations fail in a cell - in this case, a skin cell - then you have a cencerous condition in the tissue - in this case, skin cancer.

How does the cancer affect the cell cycle?

Cancer can disrupt the normal regulation of the cell cycle, leading to uncontrolled cell division and tumor formation. Mutations in genes that control cell cycle checkpoints can allow cancer cells to bypass mechanisms that normally prevent excessive cell growth. This disruption of the cell cycle can contribute to the unchecked proliferation of cancer cells.

What can cause the cell cycle to be uncontrolled?

what can cause the cell cycle to be uncontrolled is that if a pathogen gets into the cell the cell will turn into a cancer cell and that will make the cell cycle uncontrolledif your cell turns into a cancer cell then you will have cancer cells reproducing faster than a normal cell(a normal cell is supposed to reproduce every 22 hour's a cancer cell reproduces every 10 hours)

What disease do the mechanisms that normally control the cell cycle are disrupted?

When the mechanisms that normally control the cell cycle are disrupted, it can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and division, which is a hallmark of cancer. Cancer can develop when mutations occur in genes that regulate the cell cycle, allowing cells to continuously divide and form tumors.

What is the relationship between skin cancer and cell cycle?

skin cancer (any cancer for that matter) is when the cell cycle becomes completely unregulated and only performs cell division without its normal cell functions.

Why can cancer be described as a disease of the cell cycle?

Because cancer cells exhibit uncontrolled cell proliferation and constantly progress through the cell cycle when they should not.

What effects does cancer have on a cell cycle of a cancerous cell?

It can give cancer to all the other cells, so it causes more cells to be cancerous. It goes all around the body and the number of the cancer cells will get much more than the first.

Is it appropriate to connect cancer and the cell cycle?

Yes, it is appropriate to connect cancer with the cell cycle as many types of cancer involve abnormalities in cell cycle regulation. Cancer cells typically have mutations that disrupt the normal checkpoints and controls in the cell cycle, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation. Understanding how these disruptions occur can help in developing targeted therapies for cancer.

Occurs when the cell cycle is no longer regulated?

The cell cycle goes out of control and cancer develops.

How might the relationship between cancer and the cell cycle be used in the search for causes of cancer?

Because cancer cells grow rapidly and use the "machinery" and the immune systems of the body, the cure for cancer may lay in the interruption of cell growth and genetic alteration of the immune system.

Why do cancer cells have a shorter cell cycle?

Cancer cells often have mutations that disrupt normal cell cycle regulation, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and division. This disruption can cause cancer cells to divide more rapidly, resulting in a shorter cell cycle compared to normal cells.