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Vascular plants have vascular tissue that are specially designed for transporting water and solutes (minerals, nutrients) within the plant. The vascular tissue has xylem tubes, made of dead cells, which transports water and dissolved minerals via evaporation in the leaf veins. There is also phloem tubes in the vascular tissue that pump sugars in and out.

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Q: What is called when tissue that plants use to carry water?
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What are the tubes called in plants the carry water into the plant?

This is the vascular tissue xylem.

What plant has stems that can store water?

Plants that store water in tissue are called succulent plants.

Why should plants to be grouped?

Nonvascular - don't have tissue to carry food and water to the rest of the plant i.e mosses vascular - have tissue that carry water and food i.e redwood tree

Conducting tissues in plants which carry water and dissolved nutrients upward?

The xylem is the conducting tissue in vascular plants which carry water and nutrients upward. The xylem is made up of protoxylem and metaxylem.

What tissue do plants use to carry water?

Plants use xylem tissue to transport water from the roots to the rest of the plant. Xylem is composed of specialized cells called tracheids and vessel elements, which form long tubes that facilitate water movement through capillary action and cohesion. This network of xylem tissue helps to maintain the plant's structure and provides essential nutrients and water to all parts of the plant.

What is water is transported from a plants roots to its leaves in a tissue called?

answer is the vascular system

What level of organization is xylem classified?

Xylem is classified as a tissue

Plants with tubes that help the plant carry water and food are called?


In a plant what type of tissue is responsible for transporting water and nutrients?

there are connective tissues in plants which helps them to transport water and nutrients.xylem helps plants ,in transporting water and minerals . and phloem helps plants to transport food from one place to another.

In plants vascular tissue made of dead cells that transport water and minerals from its roots is called?

The vascular tissue in plants made of dead cells that transport water and minerals from roots is called xylem. Xylem tissue is responsible for conducting water and nutrients upward from the roots to the rest of the plant.

What are the plants with tubes that can move fluid within themselves called?

The vascular tissue.Xylem is the tissue that caries the water from the roots to the leaves.Phloem is the tissue that carries the manufactured sugar from the leaves to where it is needed in the plant.

The type of tissue found in shoots or roots that plants use to store food or water is called?

The type of tissue found in shoots or roots that plants use to store food is called parenchyma tissue. This tissue is characterized by thin cell walls and large vacuoles that can store nutrients or water for later use by the plant.