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Rabbits need calcium in their diet just like the rest of us, but they don't need very much of it (especially grown adults).

When rabbits have too much calcium in their bodies, they get rid of it in their urine. Sometimes, a rabbit's urine looks a little cloudy and/or leaves a white powder residue after its dried -- this is a normal way for rabbits to excrete their excess calcium.

However, if the urine is thick, the consistency of toothpaste, and the colour of mustard (dark yellow), then your rabbit has "urine sludge" and needs to see a vet with experience and knowledge in how to treat rabbits. Urine sludge can lead to serious health complications.

If you see your rabbit straining to urinate, and not urinating successfully, this can also be a sign of urine sludge, or bladder stones (another consequence of too much calcium in the rabbit's body), and the rabbit should see the vet.

If a rabbit has problems with calcium, it might be related to a calcium-rich diet, or it may be genetic -- either way, the rabbit needs professional help. See the related questions below for more help about rabbit health and medical care.

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3mo ago

Calcium is an essential mineral required for a rabbit's overall health, including proper growth and development of bones and teeth. However, too much calcium can lead to health issues like urinary tract problems. It is important to provide a balanced diet to ensure the right amount of calcium for a rabbit's specific needs.

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If a rabbit has white stuff on its feces that looks like paint, it could be a sign of excess calcium in their diet or a digestive disorder. It is important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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The rabbit in "The Velveteen Rabbit" is simply known as the Velveteen Rabbit or the Rabbit.

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Angus C. Nairn has written: 'Studies on the mechanism of calcium regulation of rabbit fast skeletal muscle myosin light-chain Kinase'

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