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Q: What is between the mantle and the visceral mass?
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What traits do mollusks have?

They have a mascular foot, a visceral mass, and a mantle.

What part of the mollusk contains the organs?

visceral mass

What is a clam's mantle cavity?

space between mantle and visceral mass. Digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems all empty into mantle cavity, so basically all of its poop pours into it.

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What surrounds a mollusks visceral mass?

The visceral mass of a mollusk is surrounded by the mantle, a tissue that secretes the shell in many species. This structure provides protection for the internal organs and helps regulate water and gas exchange.

What is the thin folded membranous tissue that envelopes most of the visceral mass in mollusks?

The Mantle

The thin folded membranous tissue that envelops most of the visceral mass in mollusks is known as .?

The mantle

The thin folded membranous tissue that envelops most of the visceral mass in mollusks is known as what?

The thin folded membranous tissue that envelops most of the visceral mass in mollusks is called the mantle. The mantle is common on all mollusks, including those that live in freshwater.

Which of these statements about the evolutionary tree of animals is incorrect?

The mantle, foot, and visceral mass are all parts of a(n)

Does cnidaria have a pharynx?

I don't think they do...I could be wrong but I think all mollusks have a foot, visceral mass, and a mantle.

Does a snail have a visceral mass?

A snail does have a visceral mass

The visceral mass is?

The area in a mollusk in which the majority of its organs are stored.All mollusks have a visceral mass, a mantle, and a foot. The visceral mass contains the digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs. The mantle is a covering. It may secrete a shell. The foot is muscular and is used for locomotion, attachment, and/or food capture.