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This is really based on your personal preference. In my experience, a majority of women seem to use tampons as there is less mess. However, if you are young, you may find that pads are the best way to go until you get more used to the way your body is changing.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

There is an element of personal preference, but across the board menstrual cups are best.

Menstrual cups are internal like tampons so you have the comfort of having nothing outside your body, only menstrual cups are more comfortable than tampons as they don't dry-out vaginal tissues or increase menstrual cramps -in face menstrual cups can prevent menstrual cramps.

Menstrual cups are safer than tampons so no risks such as TSS, dioxin exposure, or vaginal infections - this also makes menstrual cups more convenient than tampons as they can be worn for up to 12 hours which is twice as long as tampons, they can also be worn with any flow, before your period, overnight, no need to alternate with pads. With cups you also don't have to worry about running out, no worry about disposal, and no carrying spares either.

Menstrual cups are safe to use in pre-teens and teens, whereas tampons aren't recommended for this age group due to higher TSS risk and requiring more responsibility for correct use. Menstrual cups can also be worn safely from menarche, they can help improve body-literacy in young women, and as they can be worn for so long without leaking or needing to change they're easier for school.

Menstrual cups are more reliable - pads hold a maximum of 15ml, tampons hold a maximum of 18ml, whereas menstrual cups hold 35ml on average but the highest capacity is 42ml, also cups can reduce flow compared to tampons. Menstrual cups have light suction so prevent any leaking.

Menstrual cups are reusable so cheaper than other options: menstrual cups cost around $35 but they last for up to 10 years so they are the cheapest menstrual product available, you can also shop around for cheaper brands and deal so save even more. Also cups save 12,000+ tampons/pads over a womans lifetime, they also safe harmful manufacturing (wood used to produce paper pulp, cotton, pesticides used on cotton, chemical treatments, bleaching, CO2 emissions, plastics, etc.).

Menstrual cups are ethical - manufacturers are small independent women-run companies with no history of knowingly putting women's lives at risk as with tampon companies, also no putting the environment at risk, testing on animals, or using menstrual taboos to sell products.

Divacup is only one brand of menstrual cup, personally I recommend Mooncup as a good mid-size mid-flexibility cup. Mooncup Menstrual Cup -

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Q: What is best for periods tampons pads or diva cups?
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