An appropriate noun for the personal pronoun 'she' is a noun for a female (mother, queen, hen) or the name of a female (Mary, Maya, Monica) as the subject of a sentence or a clause.
My mother will pick us up. Shewill be here at three.
Miss Petunia, she's my neighbor, has a beautiful garden.
The word 'violet' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a type of flower; a word for a thing. The word 'violet' is also an adjective, a word that describes a noun as a shade of purple.
An appropriate noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea in a specific context that fits grammatically and semantically within a sentence. It should accurately describe or name the subject being referenced.
There is no standard collective noun for volcanoes. Since volcanoes are often found on the map in a row or a circle, appropriate nouns to use as collective nouns are:a chain of volcanoesa string of volcanoesa ring of volcanoesa cluster of volcanoes
One way to turn a concrete noun into an abstract noun is by adding a suffix such as "-ness," "-ity," "-tion," or "-ment." For example, "happy" becomes "happiness," "real" becomes "reality," "operate" becomes "operation," and "develop" becomes "development."
The noun 'whole' is a singular, common noun. The noun 'whole' is a concrete noun as a word for a thing in its complete form. The noun 'whole' is an abstract noun as a word for all of something.
an adjective. it is not a noun because you cannot touch or interact with appropriate,and it is not a verb because you can not physically or mentally "appropriate"
The noun for dusty is dustiness.
The noun forms for the adjective appropriate are appropriator and appropriateness. A related noun is appropriation.
An appropriate collective noun for 'studies' is a courseof studies.
Based word: proprius, proprietasOrigin: LatinMeaning: Ownershipproprius, proprietas
An appropriate collective noun for a group of pedestrians is a crowd of pedestrians.
It is appropriate to say that the word "Life" is an abstract noun.
The word 'appropriate' is not a noun.The word 'appropriate' is a verb(uh-proh-pree-ate) and an adjective (uh-proh-pree-it)Examples:The council voted to appropriate the emergency fund for flood clean up. (verb)There is a list of appropriate booksfor the fourth grade book reports. (adjective)
There is no collective noun for 'vegans', in which case, you use a noun that is appropriate for the situation for a group of vegans; how about a crop of vegans.
There is no specific collective noun for bullies. A collective noun from a similar group of social miscreants would be appropriate, such as a gang of bullies, a band of bullies, or, from another genre, perhaps a chorus of bullies would be appropriate.
The word precise is an adjective, a word that describes a noun. The noun forms are preciseness or precision. The appropriate pronoun for those nouns is it.
The appropriate collective noun for 'astronauts' is a crew of astronauts.However, I did see a recommendation for 'a launch of astronauts'.