Edema is the term meaning excess fluid in the body tissues.
Some of the methods that the body uses to prevent swelling from fluid is by evacuation, perspiration and urination. The medical term for swelling is edema.
A fluid shift in human anatomy is a translocation of body fluids from one compartment to another, such as from the vascular to the interstitial compartments. Fluid shifts are associated with profound changes in vascular permeability and water- electrolyte imbalance. The shift can also be from the lower body to the upper body as in conditions of weightlessness.
Thermoregulation is another term for the process of regulating body temperature.
Input and output in medical terms is fluid going into the body, and fluid leaving the body.
Effusion is the medical term meaning escape of fluid into a body cavity. So, for instance, escape of fluid into the pleural space is pleural effusion.
Edema is the term meaning excess fluid in the body tissues.
Some of the methods that the body uses to prevent swelling from fluid is by evacuation, perspiration and urination. The medical term for swelling is edema.
body language
Paganry is another term for paganism, or a collective term for a body of pagans.
Another name for intercellular fluid is extracellular fluid. It describes the fluid found outside of cells but within the body tissues. This fluid contains water, electrolytes, and various nutrients that help maintain cellular function.
Body language.
Sclerotic fluid is not a recognized term in medicine. It may be a misinterpretation or a misrepresentation of another term. If you could provide more context or clarification, I may be able to help further.