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The nuclear membrane also plays a role in regulating what enters and exits the nucleus, similar to the nucleolus.

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Q: What is another part of the cell that has the same job as the nucleolus?
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What is something that is prefoemes the same function as the nucleolus?

The cell membrain

What is nucleolus chromosomes?

The nucleolus is a substructure within the cell nucleus that plays a key role in ribosome production. It is not the same as chromosomes, which are long strands of DNA that contain genetic information. Chromosomes are found within the cell nucleus, where they can interact with the nucleolus during protein synthesis.

What is something that performs the same function as the nucleolus in the cell?

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Is nucleolus some thing that performs the same function?

Yes, the nucleolus is a structure found inside the cell's nucleus that is responsible for producing ribosomes, which are essential for protein synthesis. It does not perform the exact same functions as the nucleus, which houses the cell's genetic material and controls cell activities, but they work together in the cell.

What is an analogy for a nucleolus function?

A nucleolus can be compared to a construction site manager who oversees the assembly of building materials and coordinates the construction workers to build the parts of a building. In the same way, the nucleolus organizes the assembly of ribosomal RNA and proteins to form ribosomes, which are essential for protein synthesis within the cell.

What performs the same function as nucleolus?

the Golgi function the same as the nucleolus

What is something the performs the same as the nucleolus?

A plasmid performs the same functions as a nucleolus. Plasmids contain the same genetic information as a nucleolus, and in turn, perform the same duties.

What contains DNA and a nucleolus?

No, DNA and the nucleolus are not the same thing. DNA is a nucleic acid which contains the instructions for the processes of the cell. The nucleolus is the area within the nucleus of a cell that is responsible for transcribing and assembling rRNA (ribosomal RNA). rRNA forms part of the ribosomes - which are responsible for protein synthesis.

What cells have the same pattern every time its formed?

Before, those cells were a part of another cell, then the bigger cell split into many pieces, therefore the smaller cells are made from the same cell.

Where is the nucleolus found in a plant's cell?

Yes. [Bacteria (eubacteria and archaebacteria) don't.] Yes, there is a nucleus in a plant cell. Plant cells have some similar characteristics as the animal cell, like having a nucleus. The nucleus contains the genetic code, encoded in the DNA. The nucleus has a nuclear membrane to protect it. If the cell is like a factory producing proteins, then the nucleus is like the managers office and the central computer - it has all the information and blueprints for the proteins that have to be manufactured. However the question is "Is a nucleolus found in plant cells?" The nucleolus and the nucleus are not the same. The nucleolus is a specialised region inside the nucleus, which contains the genetic code for ribosomes. Ribosomes are special structures which make proteins. So the answer is yes, a nucleolus is found within the nucleus of a plant cell.

What does the nucleolus do in a white blood cell?

The nucleolus in a white blood cell is responsible for producing ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and assembling ribosomes. Ribosomes are essential for protein synthesis in the cell, which is crucial for various cellular functions including immune responses in white blood cells.

How is the nucleolus like a vice principle in a school?

the principal, because he/she is the one who controls what happens in the school, just like the nucleus