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Q: What is angolas vegetation?
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What is Angolas main export?

oranges and apples

What is Angolas world rank for producing coffee?

Angola is no longer rated as a world supplier

Distinguish between vegetation and natural vegetation?

Narural vegetation refers to the vegetation that grows by itself without any human intervention such as providing water. Vegetation refers to the vegetation which grows with the help of humans.

What is Birrabirragal's vegetation?

The vegetation is the forest.

What is decaying vegetation?

vegetation that is decaying

How do earhquakes affect vegetation?

Earthquakes affect vegetation by causing the vegetation to uproot. This may cause many vegetation to die off.

What is secondary vegetation?

secondary vegetation is the vegetation which is not cleared and things are growing continuously and are not cutted.

What is difference between aquatic vegetation and vegetation?

aquatic vegetation are plants that grow underwater while vegetation are plants that just grow on land.

Types of natural vegetation in Gauteng?

this includes evergreen vegetation tundra vegetation diciduous vegetation thorny bushes etc

What is Europe's vegetation?

Europe's Vegetation is Foresty

What is the height of vegetation in the arctic?

There is no vegetation in the arctic!

What is the vegetation at north America?

plain vegetation