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Q: What is and example of a chemical reaction melting water burning a piece of wood dissolving salt in water or breaking a tree branch?
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Is mostly likely a chemical change salt dissolving in water or a match burning?

A match burning is a chemical change. Salt dissolving in water is a physical change.

Burning wood a physical or chemical?

Burning wood is a chemical reaction because combustion (burning) is an oxidation reaction.

What is the chemical reaction of burning a paper?

Burning is an oxydation reaction.

What evidence of chemical reaction would be seen when burning a match?

Burning is a chemical reaction (oxidation).

Would burning of matchstick be a chemical reaction?

Yes, burning a matchstick is a chemical reaction because it involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds. The reactants (matchstick and oxygen) are transformed into new substances (carbon dioxide, water vapor, and smoke).

Is burning of fuel in a cutting torch a chemical reaction?

Yes, burning of fuel is always a chemical reaction.

Why is paper burning a chemical reaction?

Burning is a sign of a chemical change

Is burning a ballon chemical reaction?

Yes, burning anything is chemical.

Is burning an physical or chemical reaction?


Is burning a physical or a chemical reaction?

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Is wood burning a chemical reaction or a physical reaction?

The burning of a wooden stick is a chemical process.

What happens in a chemical reaction called burning?
