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a heterotroph

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A carnivore is an organism that must eat other organisms for food in order to meet its energy and nutritional requirements. Examples include lions, wolves, and hawks.

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Q: What is an organism that must eat other organisms for food?
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What must eat other organisms for food?

An organism that eats other organisms for energy are known as heterotrophs.

What is an organism that must eat others?

An organism that eats other organisms is called a consumer.

What is an organism that must get food by eating other organisms?

An organism that must get food by eating other organisms is called a heterotroph. These organisms cannot produce their own food like plants do through photosynthesis, so they rely on consuming other living organisms for energy. Examples of heterotrophs include animals, fungi, and some bacteria.

What organism must feed on other organisms?

Organisms that must feed on other organisms are called heterotrophs. These organisms are unable to produce their own food and rely on consuming other living organisms or organic matter for energy. Examples of heterotrophs include animals, fungi, and most bacteria.

An organism that can not make its own food?

An organism that cannot make its own food is called a consumer. Organisms that make their own food are called producers. Consumers must create energy from eating producers or other consumers.

An organism that relies on other organisms for food?

An organism that relies on other organisms for food is called a heterotroph. Heterotrophs cannot produce their own food through photosynthesis or other means, so they must consume other organisms to obtain energy. Examples of heterotrophs include animals, fungi, and some types of bacteria.

An organism that cannot make its own food is called what?

Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and must obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms or organic matter. This includes animals, fungi, and some bacteria.

Is a heterotroph a self feeder?

No, a heterotroph is an organism that cannot produce its own food and must obtain nutrients from other sources. They rely on consuming other organisms or organic matter for energy.

What describes organisms that cannot make their own food and must feed off other living things?

An organism which cannot make its own food but instead absorb nutrition from decaying organisms is called a saprophyte. for example, fungi are saprophytic organisms.

Humans cannot produce their own food and must eat what type of organism are they?

Humans, like all animals, are heterotrophic. They can't synthesize their own food and have to eat other organisms to survive.

What organism uses sunlight or eat food to make food?

Organisms that use sunlight are photosynthetic (like plants, algae, etc.) and organisms that must eat food are consumers (us, etc.).

Do all organisms get their food from sunlight?

In order to see if all organisms get their food from sunlight, we must first see what an organism is. An organism is a living thing that dies if it is not nourished. The only organisms that get food from sunlight are plants. Fungi and animals gain nourishment from extensive root like systems and ingestion, respectively.