

What is an organic particles?

Updated: 6/7/2024
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14y ago

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Organic particles are small pieces of organic matter found in natural environments, such as soil, water, or air. These particles can come from living organisms or their byproducts, and play a role in nutrient cycling and ecosystem function. Examples include plant debris, microorganisms, and animal waste.

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Q: What is an organic particles?
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What is decomposed particles from the earth?

Decomposed particles from the earth are commonly referred to as soil organic matter. This organic matter is made up of partially decayed plant and animal material, along with microorganisms, that contribute to soil fertility, structure, and nutrient cycling.

What is the large particles carried by the water?

Large particles carried by water include sediment, rocks, debris, and organic matter. These particles can be transported by the flow of water in rivers, streams, and oceans, contributing to erosion and sedimentation processes.

What are particles of materials that are settle out of water?

Particles that settle out of water are usually referred to as sediment or suspended solids. These particles can include clay, silt, sand, and organic matter. settling can occur due to gravity as the particles become heavier than the surrounding water.

Compared with the rate of an inorganic reaction the rate of an organic reaction is usually?

Slower. Organic reactions typically involve breaking and making covalent bonds in complex organic molecules, which can be slower than inorganic reactions that involve simpler molecules with weaker bonds. Organic reactions often require specific conditions and catalysts to proceed efficiently.

Which common chemical cleaner assists in the breakdown of organic debris?

Bleach is a common chemical cleaner that helps in breaking down organic debris by reacting with microorganisms and breaking down their cell walls. This helps in disinfecting surfaces and removing organic matter such as food particles and mold.

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Soot particles are formed from diesel exhaust through incomplete combustion of fuel, where carbon-rich particles are emitted instead of being fully burned. This incomplete combustion can be caused by factors such as insufficient oxygen supply, improper fuel-to-air ratio, and high engine loads. Soot particles can then accumulate and be released into the air as part of diesel exhaust emissions.

Do sponge eat?

yes bacteria and small organic particles

What is the organization of organic matter?

Organic matter is organized in a hierarchical structure, starting from individual molecules (e.g., amino acids, sugars) that combine to form macromolecules like proteins and carbohydrates. These macromolecules further assemble into structures like organelles within cells, tissues, and ultimately organisms. At larger scales, organic matter can also be organized within ecosystems, with energy and nutrient flows connecting different organisms and environments.

What is a concumer?

an organism requiring complex organic compounds for food which it obtains by preying on other organisms or by eating particles of organic matter Invertebrates.

What does soil have in it?

It is made up of rock and mineral particles mixed w/ organic matter.

What material make up the soil?

Soil is composed of mineral particles (like sand, silt, and clay), organic matter (decaying plant and animal material), water, and air. These components interact to create a diverse and complex environment that supports plant growth.

What are the ingredients of soil?

Soil is composed of mineral particles (such as sand, silt, and clay), organic matter (decaying plant and animal material), water, air, and living organisms (such as bacteria and fungi). These components interact to provide nutrients and support plant growth.

Are Sedimentary rocks formed from broken fragments called organic?

No, sedimentary rocks formed from broken fragments are called clastic sedimentary rocks. Organic sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of organic material such as plant debris or remains of marine organisms.

What are the three primary components of goals?

Organic resin matrix, Inorganic filler particles, coupling agent

What do carpet beetles eat?

Wool, dust particles from skin and other organic animal material.

What five material make up soil?

Particles, Minerals, Decayed organic materials, Water, Air

What is the large particles carried by the water?

Large particles carried by water include sediment, rocks, debris, and organic matter. These particles can be transported by the flow of water in rivers, streams, and oceans, contributing to erosion and sedimentation processes.