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By invisible i assume you mean that the object does not emit electromagnetic radiation.

In which case your answer is dark matter.

Or potentially black holes (if you ignore the possibility of Hawking radiation).

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Q: What is an object in space that has a grvitational pull so strong that light cannot escape?
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A black hole

What object has such a strong gravitational force that not even light can escape it?

A black hole is an object with such a strong gravitational force that not even light can escape from it, due to its extremely dense and compact nature.

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A black hole forms when the remnants of a supernova collapse under their own gravity, becoming so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational pull. This creates a region of spacetime exhibiting extreme gravitational effects from which nothing, not even light, can escape.

An object with gravity so strong nothing can escape?

An object with gravity so strong that nothing can escape is called a black hole. These regions of spacetime have such intense gravitational force that they trap even light, which is why they appear "black" or invisible to outside observers.

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A black hole is an object that absorbs the most visible light because its gravitational pull is so strong that even light cannot escape from it. This creates a region of complete darkness where no light can be emitted or reflected.

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A black hole is an object with such strong gravity that not even light can escape its pull. This intense gravity is due to its extreme density, formed when a massive star collapses in on itself.

Dose a blackwhole suck in objects and matter from both sides?

Blackholes can affect objects near them strongly. The closer an object gets to the event horizon of a black hole, the more its orbit will be affected. Once an object is pulled in past the event horizon, it cannot escape and is sucked into the black hole. The pull of the singularity is so strong that even light can't escape.

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the gas giant planets have strong gravitational pulls that hold on to their thick atmospheres. Additionally, the high escape velocity prevents the gases from escaping into space. The cold temperatures of these planets also help in maintaining the integrity of their atmospheres.

What can light not escape from?

Light cannot escape from a black hole due to its extremely strong gravitational pull. The gravity of a black hole is so intense that not even light, the fastest thing in the universe, can escape its grasp.

What would happen if you are in a black hole?

Gravity would crush you. With gravity so strong light cannot escape I am sure you wont.

What excatly is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space-time with very strong gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from it. The ESCAPE VELOCITY is greater than SPEED OF LIGHT.

The definition of object with strong gravitational pull that nothing not even light can escape from it best fits which science term?

Black Hole