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There are two ingredients.They are CO2 and water. This also need light energy

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1w ago

The main ingredient for photosynthesis is carbon dioxide. Additionally, water is essential in the process, along with sunlight and chlorophyll. These ingredients are transformed by plants into glucose and oxygen through the photosynthesis process.

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9y ago

There are two ingridients.They are CO2 and H2O.

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Q: What is an ingredient photosynthesis?
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What do plants soak up that is an important ingredient for photosynthesis?

Plants soak up carbon dioxide from the air, which is an important ingredient for photosynthesis. This carbon dioxide is converted into carbohydrates using energy from sunlight in the process of photosynthesis.

Which gas released by plants during photosynthesis?

Oxygen. Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and prepare food with the help of sunlight and chlorophyll. Carbon Dioxide is vital ingredient in the process of photosynthesis. Plants do not require Oxygen and so liberate Oxygen to the atmosphere which is used by other organisms for respiration.

Why can't a plant photosynthesise in darkness?

Well, firstly, sunlight is the key ingredient for photosynthesis and obviously in the dark there is no sunlight. Sunlight is trapped be the chloroplasts in the leaves of the plant and is used to produce glucose and carbon dioxide.

What is the most important ingredient of dynamite?

The most important ingredient of dynamite is nitroglycerin.

Hydrocodone is the ingredient in what brand of pain killer?

Hydrocodone is an ingredient in painkillers like Vicodin, Norco, and Lortab.

Related questions

What do plants soak up that is an important ingredient for photosynthesis?

Plants soak up carbon dioxide from the air, which is an important ingredient for photosynthesis. This carbon dioxide is converted into carbohydrates using energy from sunlight in the process of photosynthesis.

Is chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll is needed for Photosynthesis because it is the main ingredient. (sorry it is a bit vauge)

What might happen if one of the ingredients of photosynthesis was taken away?

If one ingredient was removed, I doubt photosynthesis would function correctly.

Is soil a ingredient in photosynthesis?

Nope. Plants can be grown without soil. It is done in hydroponics, and orchids do not grow in soil.

What is the compound needed for photosynthesis?

The compound needed for photosynthesis is carbon dioxide (CO2). It is a key ingredient that plants use, along with water and sunlight, to produce glucose and oxygen.

Which gas released by plants during photosynthesis?

Oxygen. Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and prepare food with the help of sunlight and chlorophyll. Carbon Dioxide is vital ingredient in the process of photosynthesis. Plants do not require Oxygen and so liberate Oxygen to the atmosphere which is used by other organisms for respiration.

Why do plants and other photosynthetic organisms CO2 from the atmosphere?

Photosynthesis is a chemical process by which carbon dioxide reacts with water to form sugar and oxygen. Without the carbon dioxide you are missing an ingredient.

Why can't a plant photosynthesise in darkness?

Well, firstly, sunlight is the key ingredient for photosynthesis and obviously in the dark there is no sunlight. Sunlight is trapped be the chloroplasts in the leaves of the plant and is used to produce glucose and carbon dioxide.

Does the hickory tree grow on a tree?

they reproduce by seed droppings and photosynthesis and they

Carbon dioxide is used by plants for what?

Plants use carbon dioxide during the process of photosynthesis to produce glucose, which is the primary source of energy for the plant. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plant through tiny openings called stomata on the leaves, and then converted into sugars with the help of sunlight and chlorophyll.

What is an ingredient of gunpowder?

One ingredient of gunpowder is sulfur.

What is the compound needed for phtotsynthesis?

The compound needed for photosynthesis is carbon dioxide (CO2). It is absorbed from the air through tiny pores in the leaves called stomata and is a key ingredient for plants to produce glucose and oxygen in the presence of sunlight.