

Best Answer

C02 expelled from the lungs urea expelled in the urine
feces in general

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Q: What is an example of waste product?
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Is creatinine an example of nitrogenous waste?

Yes, creatinine is an example of a nitrogenous waste product. It is produced from the breakdown of creatine phosphate in muscles and is excreted by the kidneys. High levels of creatinine in the blood can be an indicator of kidney dysfunction.

Is carbon dioxide a waste product of all organisms?

No, not all organisms produce carbon dioxide as a waste product. Plants and algae, for example, actually consume carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and produce oxygen as a byproduct. However, animals, including humans, do produce carbon dioxide as a waste product through respiration.

How do batteries help us?

Batteries help us do many things for example charge cameras,prevent light,and many more things.We save batteries by turning that thing which you keep your batteries in off so you save battery,energy,enviorment,and the company's product.[ wasteing ] If you waste the product you waste [the product ],you waste your dear money,and the company so no one else can buy the product.

What is excretion of waste product in plants?

Oxygen comes out as waste product in plants during photosynthesis

What is open loop recycling?

Production system in which the waste or byproduct of oneprocess or product is used in making another product. For example, recycling waste newspaper to make paper-board or other types of paper. It is also the name of an oil absorbent company based out of Union, MO

What waste product exhaled from the lungs?

Carbon dioxide is the waste product exhaled from the lungs during respiration.

What is the term used for an unwanted by-product?

Waste Product

What are 2 waste products of muscles?

the are 3 different respirations but in aerobic the waste product is C02 in anaerobic the waste product from the muscles is lactic acid.

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What is the only waste product from 3 down?

The only waste product from cellular respiration is carbon dioxide.

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what hazardous waste list from the environmental protection agency identifies discarded commercial chemical product waste

What is a waste product of photosynthesis that organisms need for cellular respiration?

There are a handful of waste products that are products of a plant's respiration. Oxygen is one such waste product.