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one example of two organisms interacting is asymbiotic relationship.

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The birds are a help to the rhinoceros. They feed on ticks and other parasites plucked from the rhino's hide. When the birds sense danger, they fly off, giving the rhino an early warning.

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The common example is bees and flowers.

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Q: What is an example of one organism benefiting from another organism?
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What are the two examples of predation?

Predation is when one organism benefits off of another organism but the organism that is not benefiting is being harmed.One example is a spider waiting in its web for an insectAnother is a lion eating a rabbit.A predator is an animal that consumes another animal is a predator, and the animal consumed is the prey.

A organism living in or on another organism?

The term used for an organism living in or on another depends on the nature of the relationship.- If the relationship is mutually beneficial (mutalism) then the organism can be called a symbiont.- If the relationship does not benefit the host, the organism can be called a parasite.Parasites can be endoparasites, which live inside the host, or ectoparasites, which live on the host.Some biologists use the term symbiont for any organism in a close interaction with another. This would mean parasites could also be called symbionts.

Parasitism is an example of?

Parasitism is an example of a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits at the expense of another. The organism that benefits is called the parasite, while the organism that is harmed is known as the host. Typically, parasites live on or inside the host organism and rely on it for nutrients and resources.

What is donor control in biology?

Donor control in biology refers to the phenomenon where genetic material from one organism is used to control the expression of genes in another organism. This can happen, for example, in genetic engineering when genes from one organism are inserted into another to produce a desired trait.

What interaction between organisms would be described as parasitic?

Parasitic interactions involve one organism benefiting at the expense of another organism. The parasite benefits by obtaining nutrients or shelter from the host, while the host is harmed in the process. Parasites can be external, like ticks and fleas, or internal, like tapeworms and parasitic fungi.

Related questions

What is it called when an organism lives off of another?

When an organism lives off of another organism, it is called parasitism. The organism benefiting is the parasite, while the one being harmed is the host.

What are the two examples of predation?

Predation is when one organism benefits off of another organism but the organism that is not benefiting is being harmed.One example is a spider waiting in its web for an insectAnother is a lion eating a rabbit.A predator is an animal that consumes another animal is a predator, and the animal consumed is the prey.

In what type of symbiosis does one organism benefit and the other harm?

Parasitism is what happens when one organism benefits and the other is harmed. For example, think of fleas on a dog. The fleas are parasites because they are benefiting from living on the dog, but the dog is being harmed by the fleas.

A organism living in or on another organism?

The term used for an organism living in or on another depends on the nature of the relationship.- If the relationship is mutually beneficial (mutalism) then the organism can be called a symbiont.- If the relationship does not benefit the host, the organism can be called a parasite.Parasites can be endoparasites, which live inside the host, or ectoparasites, which live on the host.Some biologists use the term symbiont for any organism in a close interaction with another. This would mean parasites could also be called symbionts.

In what type of symbiosis is does one organism benefit and the other is harmed?

Parasitism is what happens when one organism benefits and the other is harmed. For example, think of fleas on a dog. The fleas are parasites because they are benefiting from living on the dog, but the dog is being harmed by the fleas.

How energy moves from one organism to another?

How is energy moved from one organism to another? A.when one organism chases another organism, energy is movedB.when one organism is close by another organism, energy is movedC.when one organism touches another organism, energy is movedD.when one organism eats another organism, energy is moved

A relationship between organisms in which one organism benefits at the expense of another?

This type of relationship is known as parasitism. The organism benefiting is the parasite, which derives nutrients or resources from the host organism, ultimately harming it. Examples include ticks on mammals or mistletoe on trees.

What are some types of biosis?

Some types of biosis include predation, competition, mutualism, and parasitism. Predation involves one organism consuming another for food, competition occurs when organisms compete for resources, mutualism is a mutually beneficial relationship between two organisms, and parasitism involves one organism benefiting at the expense of another.

Parasitism is an example of?

Parasitism is an example of a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits at the expense of another. The organism that benefits is called the parasite, while the organism that is harmed is known as the host. Typically, parasites live on or inside the host organism and rely on it for nutrients and resources.

Describe how energy is transferred from one organism to another?

Each time one organism eats another organism, a transfer of energy occurs.

When one species hurts another species to help itself?

Parasitism. It is Any relationship between organisms where one is benefited and the other is harmed. With is what a parasite does. Parasite def. Any organism that has its needs met at the expense of another

What is the symbiotic relationship called when one organism is helped and the other organism is harmed?

That type of relationship is called a parasitic relationship. In this case, the organism benefiting is the parasite, while the organism being harmed is the host.