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There are so many examples of exothermic reactions that is the reactions in whoch energy is released.

All the oxidation reactions are exothermic reactions .

similarly hydrogenation of alkenes like ethene,cyclohexene etc. are also exothermic reactions with different energies being released during these reactions.

The cause for release of energy during these reactions is simple, if the energy relleased due to formation of new bonds that is the bonds of products is more than the energy consumed for breaking the bonds of reactants then such reactions are exothermic.

So, ENTHALPY CHANGE =Bond energy of reactants - Bond energy of Products

The amount of energy released is thus dependent on the values of bond energies.

For example in case of hydrogenation of cyclohexene, Benzene and Cyclooctene these values are 120 kj/mole, 210 kj/mole and 23 kcal/mole respectively

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1w ago

Burning of a candle is an example of an exothermic reaction. The reaction releases heat energy to the surroundings in the form of light and heat. This is because the products of the reaction have lower energy content than the reactants, resulting in a net release of energy.

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An exothermic reaction is a reaction where heat or light energy is released. An example of this type of reaction is burning a candle.

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An exothermic reaction releases energy in the form of heat. This type of reaction typically results in a rise in temperature in the surrounding environment. Examples include combustion and neutralization reactions.

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An exothermic reaction is a reaction with release of heat. As an example the burning reaction of methane: CH4 + 2 O2 ------→ CO2 + 2 H2O

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No, the formation of bubbles in a soda is not an example of an exothermic reaction. It is actually a result of a physical process called carbonation, where carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in the liquid under pressure.

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