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Well as of now there is no solid evidence humans have been cloned. But the South Koreans claim they have cloned an embryo. Even if this was successful the clone would live for a significantly shorter amount of time than other human beings.

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Have Sex with ya girlfriend/boyfriend :) :( ^_^

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All natural identical twins.

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Q: What is an example of a DNA clone?
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Can DNA sequencing copy or clone a piece of DNA?

yes you can as dolly the sheep was a clone

How would the DNA of your clone compare to the DNA of you?

Technically, it should be identical. The DNA should be exactally the same. This is what makes it a clone.

Who is the character that used DNA to clone all the Republic clone troopers?

The character who used DNA to clone all the Republic clone troopers is Jango Fett. His DNA was used as the template for the army of clone troopers created on the planet Kamino.

Can you clone a bird without wings and the clone have wings?

if you use the birds DNA, then yes, as the birds DNA doesn't say *no wings*

Why does the clone not resemble the surrogate mother?


Can a human clone be programmed differently?

While human cloning is theoretically possible, it is currently illegal and highly controversial. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that a clone could be programmmed differently than the original individual, as personality traits and behaviors are shaped by a combination of genetics and environmental factors.

Why is cloning an example of cloning?

Gene Cloning is used to clone a gene of interest in a vector called plasmid. The chimeric DNA or rDNA formed by cloning is stable and can be used to propagate and sequence the DNA. producing vector containing inulin gene is an example.

Where do you get the clone's DNA?

You can get it from the original's cell nucleus from one of its cells.

Can you do cloning with anything?

Cloning is typically done with cells or tissues from organisms, such as animals or plants. It requires specialized equipment and techniques to successfully create a genetic copy of the original organism. While some organisms naturally undergo a form of cloning, such as through asexual reproduction, it is not possible to clone anything with just any material.

Whose DNA was used to create the clone troopers?

Jango Fett's DNA was used to create the clone troopers in Star Wars. Tam We was the character that did the actual cloning of the troopers in the series.

What vocabulary word means to make an exact copy of DNA?


Does every person have different DNA?

Yes, unless you're a clone.