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The source of an earthquake is called the hypocenter, the point on the surface directly above it is the epicenter.

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The source of an earthquake is called the focus or hypocenter. It is the point within the Earth where the earthquake originates due to the release of stored energy along a fault line.

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Q: What is an earthquake's source called?
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Are earthquakes a source of ocean salts?

yes earthquakes are a source of ocean salts by the great shake

What are smaller earthquakes called that immediately follow a major earthquake?

earthquakes that immediately follow a major earthquake are called "aftershocks" as to small earthquakes before large earthquakes are called "foreshocks".

What are waves produces by earthquakes called?

The waves produced by earthquakes are called seismic waves.

Are earthquakes below the surface called tsunamis?

Mo, they are known as earthquakes but the earthquakes cause the tsunamis.

What is the science in which earthquakes are studied called?

Earthquakes science

Who predicts earthquakes?

Nobody. Currently we do not have any means of predicting earthquakes. Scientists who study earthquakes are called seismologists.

What is the branch of science studies earthquakes?

The study of earthquakes is called seismology.

How are earthquakes impact measured?

Earthquakes are monitered by a device called a Richter Scale.

What are some earthquakes called?

Earthquakes can be categorized based on their magnitude (e.g., minor, light, moderate, strong, major), location (e.g., local, regional, distant), or source (e.g., tectonic, volcanic, collapse). They may also be referred to as temblors or seismic events.

What is a series of data used to create a chart called?

It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.

What are earthquakes sometimes called?

earthquakes can also some times be called "menace of the earth". I all depends on the sevarety of the quake

The science that studies earthquakes and their causes?

Seismology is the scientific discipline that studies earthquakes and their causes, including the propagation of seismic waves through the Earth and the processes that lead to the release of energy. Seismologists use instruments like seismometers to detect and measure seismic activity, providing valuable information to understand and mitigate earthquake risks.