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A magnetic force is used to attract metals like iron. This force is created by the magnetic field generated by a magnet, which attracts iron and other magnetic materials towards it.

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Q: What is an attractive force used to attract metals like iron?
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Why do steel and iron attract each other?

Metals can be magnetised which can produce an attractive force.

What metals attract magnet?

No metals can attract a magnet. Only magnets can attract metals. (Believe me there is a difference). However the most common examples of metals which magnets would be able to pick up are Iron and Steel (steel is an alloy of Iron and Carbon)

What metals attract to scrapyard magnets?

Iron and alloys that contain iron.

What force can attract and repel certain metals?

Magnets can attract and repel certain metals. This is due to the magnetic field produced by the magnet interacting with the magnetic properties of the metal. Ferromagnetic metals like iron, nickel, and cobalt are most commonly attracted to magnets.

What metal do magents attract?

Magnets attract ferromagnetic metals such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. These metals have magnetic properties that allow them to be attracted to a magnet.

What type of metals does a magnet repel?

Magnets do not repel metals. Magnets attract ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel, and cobalt.

What metals will a magnet attract too?

A magnet will attract ferromagnetic metals such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. These metals contain atoms with magnetic moments that align in the presence of a magnetic field, causing attraction to the magnet.

What is the attractive property of magnet?

The attractive property of a magnet is its ability to attract materials containing iron, nickel, or cobalt due to its magnetic field. This property is a result of the alignment of magnetic domains within the magnet, creating a force of attraction with suitable materials.

What metals attract a magnet to them?

Iron and alloys containing iron.Answer:Iron, nickel and cobalt and their alloys are the common metals that attract magnets. Also, the rare metals gadolinium, neodymium and samarium attract magnets.

What metals do magnets attract?

Normally iron, nickel, and cobalt.

Is there a magnet only attract magnets?

all magnets attract ferrous metals (metals containing iron) and the opposite poles of another magnet.

A force that can attract and repel certain metals?

The force you are referring to is magnetism. Certain metals, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, are attracted to magnets, while others, like aluminum and copper, are not. This attraction or repulsion is due to the arrangement of electrons within the material.