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An astronaut's workplace is typically in space, aboard a spacecraft such as the International Space Station (ISS). They conduct experiments, maintenance work, and other tasks required for missions while in microgravity. Prior to spaceflight, astronauts also train on Earth in specialized facilities.

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A place where astronauts live and work?

in space station

Where is a place where astronauts live and work in space?

thermosphere.....i think

What do astronauts do at work?


What do astronauts do wile they are not in space?

Astronauts when they do not work, sleep, or as in the Skylab had a day for having a wash and clean up, they had radio work as well.

What are the straps called that astronauts wear in the spacecraft?

The straps that astronauts wear in the spacecraft are called harnesses. They are designed to keep astronauts secure and in place during launch, landing, and in case of emergencies.

Is an astronauts work inside or outside?

Astronauts work both inside and outside the spacecraft. Inside, they conduct various experiments, operate equipment, and communicate with mission control. Outside, they perform spacewalks to conduct repairs, maintenance, and install new equipment on the spacecraft.

What work astronauts do on the planets?

None. Their had only reach the moon.

What is the language of discipline for astronauts?

This stupid answers don't work

What did astronauts learn how to do on the Gemini program?

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Who were the astronauts that took place in the first moon landing?

Neil Armstrong was.

What organization do US astronauts work for?

That's an easy one; it's on the tv all the time. You must not be from the USA. It's NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

How much money do astronauts who work at the International Space Station get paid?

Astronauts that work and live and the international space station can have a salary anywhere from $65,000 to $141,000 a year depending on the years of service.