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quote from wikipedia.

"A semi-arid climate or steppe climate describes climatic regions that receive precipitation below potential evapotranspiration, but not extremely so. A more precise definition is given by the Köppen climate classification that treats steppe climates (BSk and BSh) as intermediates between desert climates (BW) and humid climates in ecological characteristics and agricultural potential. Semi-arid climates tend to support short or scrubby vegetation, with semi-arid areas usually being dominated by either grasses or shrubs."

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13y ago
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1w ago

An arid climate is characterized by low humidity and minimal rainfall, leading to dry conditions and sparse vegetation. Semi-arid climates have slightly higher humidity and slightly more rainfall, supporting some vegetation but still experiencing periods of drought. Both climates typically have hot daytime temperatures and cool nights.

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7y ago

Arid climate (desert) receives less than 10 inches (250 mm) of rain on average per year.

Semi-arid (steppe) receives from 10 inches to 20 inches (250 - 500 mm) of rainfall per year on average.

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9y ago

Dry climates are commonly found in desert areas. Temperatures reach in the 40's and 50's over night and can climb as high as 105 degrees in the day time.

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15y ago

"Arid" just means dry, lacking rainfall. Both deserts and arctic tundra can be arid.

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9y ago

There is no such thing as a 'semi-arid' desert. A desert is arid. A grassland would qualify, in most cases, as semi-arid.

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9y ago

A desert receives less than 10 inches of precipitation per year (250 mm) and is called arid. Semi-arid regions receice more than 10 inches but less than 20 inches.

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12y ago


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Q: What is an arid and semi-arid climate?
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