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Q: What is an aquifer called that is connected to the surface by open pore spaces through which water can flow?
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What is the area where water from the surface can move through permeable rock to reach an aquifer is called?

thanks for nothing

What is the upper surface of saturated aquifer called?

The top level of groundwater in an aquifer is called the water table.

What is the layer of rock and soil that groundwater flows through called?

The layer of rock and soil that groundwater flows through is called an aquifer. Aquifers are underground formations that can store and transmit water. They are important sources of drinking water and irrigation for many regions.

What are rocks with connected pores called?

sorry about spelling - porous rocks

How does an aquifer works?

An aquifer is an underground layer of permeable rock, sediment, or soil where water can be stored and flow. Water enters the aquifer through recharge from precipitation or surface water, and can be extracted through wells for human use. The water moves through the aquifer due to gravity and pressure differences.

What is the difference between a confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer?

Confined acquifer:An aquifer which is sandwiched between two layers of less permeavle material is called confined aquifer.Unconfined acquifer:Aquifers having water table in it is called unconfined aquifer.

What is an area of land through which water percolates to be stored as groundwater called?

That area is called a recharge zone. It is a location where water infiltrates through the soil and rocks to replenish an underlying aquifer.

What is the aquifer zone that lies between the water table and the surface called?

aeration zone

A zone of saturation that is used by inhabitants as a water supply is called?

An aquifer is a zone of saturation that is used by inhabitants as a water supply. An aquifer is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move through.

What is the aquifer zone that lies between the water table and earths surface called?

The aquifer zone that lies between the water table and Earth's surface is called the unsaturated zone or vadose zone. This zone contains soil and rock layers where pores are not completely filled with water, allowing for the movement of both water and air.

A body of porous rock through which groundwater moves is called an?


What is the name for rainwater that sinks into and is stored in the ground?
