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Q: What is an appearance of a planet or moon called?
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Which planet has a moon called Tran?

The fictional planet Tralfamadore is the moon of a large planet called Tran.

How would you describe the visual appearance of planet Earth from the moon?

Right from moon? It appears as if a moon but big in size.

What are the sequential changes in the appearance of the moon are called?

moon phases

What is a small planet going around a big planet called?

A small planet going round a big planet is called a moon. Like our moon, it is smaller than Earth - so all planets orbiting round a bigger planet is called a moon.

What is the planet that have a moon called titan?

The planet is Saturn.

What is a natural satellite which orbits a planet called?

A natural satellite that orbits a planet is a moon

What is a satellite of a planet called?

A moon

What is a planet orbiting another planet called?

A planet orbiting another planet is called a moon or satellite. Moons are natural satellites that orbit planets in our solar system and beyond.

What are pieces of rock that strike the surface of a moon or planet called?

Pieces of rock that strike the surface of a moon or planet are called meteorites.

What planet has a moon with a volcano on it?

jupiter moon called IO

A body such as earths moon that orbits a planet is called?

A moon.

Planet has a moon called Triton?

This is Neptunes largest moon.