The abbreviation for longitude is "long."
abbreviation for latitude is Lat or a symbol pronounced 'phi' the symbol is like a three pronged fork with the centre and right hand prongs joined in a loop at the top.
The latitude of Guatemala is approximately 15.7835° N, and the longitude is around 90.2308° W.
GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. It is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London and serves as the basis for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The prime meridian (0° longitude) passes through Greenwich, making it the reference point for GMT.
The abbreviation for prolactin is PRL.
The abbreviation for longitude is "long."
abbreviation for latitude is Lat or a symbol pronounced 'phi' the symbol is like a three pronged fork with the centre and right hand prongs joined in a loop at the top.
The abbreviation is GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System.
latitude and longitude
The latitude of Guatemala is approximately 15.7835° N, and the longitude is around 90.2308° W.
The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.
The abbreviation for abbreviation is "abbr."
The abbreviation for centimeter is cm. The abbreviation for meter is m. The abbreviation for inches is in. The abbreviation for liter is L.
"GPA" is already an abbreviation for "grade point average". There is no further abbreviation for the abbreviation.
Parent is actually an abbreviation itself. It is an abbreviation for parental. Some say that an abbreviation could be rent, but other than that since it is an abbreviation it doesn't really have an abbreviation.
GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. It is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London and serves as the basis for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The prime meridian (0° longitude) passes through Greenwich, making it the reference point for GMT.
Standard Abbreviation: Ill.Postal Abbreviation: IL