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Radio Frequency Remote

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9mo ago

An RF remote is a remote control device that uses radio frequency (RF) signals to communicate with and control electronic devices. RF remotes do not require a direct line of sight to the device being controlled, unlike infrared (IR) remotes which do. They are commonly used in situations where the controlled device is not in the line of sight of the user.

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Related questions

What is remote control RF cabability?

This is bad spelling. It is remote-control RF capability!

Where can one purchase an RF remote control?

One can purchase an RF remote control from a variety of stores. Kmart, Crutchfield, Best Buy, and eBay sell RF remote controls. One can find reviews of different RF remote controls at CNET.

High range remote control using rf signal based on microcontroler?

try for 455mhz rf remote transmitter ,455 mhz remote controls are not available in the market

Compare IR to RF remote controls?

IR (infrared) remote controls are considered line of sight, meaning the remote has to "see" the device it is controlling. An RF remote is not because the signal has the strength to pass through some objects.

Ferguson FTC2120T.what is the rf remote code?

Try 411

How do you move a file into destination in Linux?

In terminal #mv -rf /source path /destination ptath For directories '-rf' For files 'f' #cp -rf /source path /destination path For moving files to remote system #scp -rf /source path 'username'@ip:/destination path user name - user at remote system ip - remote system ip

What waves are used in remote controls?

Remote controls use both infrared and radio frequency technologies. Your typical TV remote uses infrared and your typical car remote uses RF.

What is the use of remote?

it is used to remotely access some device/appliance, they are of two types 1........infrared (TV remote) 2........Radio Frequency RF (car remote)

Does leaser diode use in tv remote?

No, TV remotes use IR light and/or RF transmitter.

Why do we use remote controllers?

They both use an "RF" control, something similar to an SOS signal on a boat.

Where can you purchase sharp rf wireless remote sensor SPC373?

Ebay has one if you are still looking. Item# 221292389974

Can a Harmony 670 remote control a Harbor Breeze ceiling fan?

If the harmony website doesn't have a device listing for your fan, then you need to learn it. With the remote plugged in, and the harmony software running, you can select 'learn new command' somewhere in the menus. When it asks you to, point the original ceiling fan remote towards the back of the harmony, and teach it the buttons you wish to use. If you don't have the original fan remote, you may not be able to control it. Actually the main problem here is the 880 is not an RF remote and the Triton is an RF Fan. I use URC products so I am not sure what Harmony offers other than upgrading to the 890 remote. All you need to do is get something to translate your IR remote signals to RF for the fan.