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Q: What is adaptation in heredity?
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What will happen if you have variation differential reproduction and heredity?

If you have variation, differential reproduction, and heredity, then over time, natural selection will favor individuals with advantageous variations, leading to the accumulation of these traits in the population. This process can drive evolutionary change and adaptation to the environment.

What term is defined as passing down personality traits From parents?

heredity- A+

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What is science of heredity?

The science of heredity is genetics.

What is heredity about?

Heredity is about the genes that is found inside you.

What is the different between genetics and heredity?

Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.Genetics is the study of heredity.

How do you use a sentence with heredity?

Heredity is the passing of genetic information from parents to offspring. An example sentence using heredity could be: "Eye color, height, and certain diseases can be influenced by heredity and are inherited from our parents."

Why are genes important to heredity in humans?

Genes ARE heredity.

How do I use heredity in a sentence?

The heredity of these kittens is in question.

Which influence on health cannot changed?
