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Q: What is a word that is opposite of relief?
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What is the opposite of relief?

The opposite of relief is distress or burden. It refers to a feeling of anxiety, discomfort, or unease instead of the comfort or relaxation associated with relief.

What is the opposite to pressure?

The opposite of pressure is relief. Pressure typically involves stress or tension, while relief signifies a lessening or removal of that pressure.

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What is a opposite word for the word word?

The opposite of anything is it's absence. Silence would be the opposite of a word spoken.

How and when to use the word relief?

when we are in pain and then i take some medicines so i feel better then we use the word relief

What is the root word of relieved?

The root word of "relieved" is "relief." "Relief" comes from the Latin word "relevare," which means "to raise up" or "to lighten."

What is opposite of sorrow?

There are many words that mean the opposite of sorrow. Joy is the one that first comes to mind. You could also say elation. Another antonym for sorrow would be happiness. You might hear the word delight also.

What is a six letter word ending with f?

Belief. Relief. Relief, Belief.

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The word 'surf' does not have a opposite word.

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There is no opposite to cobble.

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