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Q: What is a wind that blows toward the equator from about 30 degrees N and 30 degrees S?
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What wind blows toward the equator?

Trade winds

What direction does the wind blow in Hawaii?

The trade winds in Hawaii typically blow from the northeast. These consistent winds are influenced by the high-pressure systems in the North Pacific Ocean.

What types of wind blows only at the equator?


What kind of wind blows toward the poles?


Toward what direction does the west wind blow?

The west wind blows from west to east. It originates in the west and moves towards the east.

T or F A south wind blows toward the south.?


In nautical terms the point or quarter towards which the wind blows?

The side or quarter toward which the wind blows is the lee quarter, or side. the side from which the wind is blowing is the windward quarter, or side.

What is the name of the effect that wind moving toward the equator to bend to the west and wind moving away from the equator to bend to the east?

== == Coriolis Effect Hope it helps.. :)

What are the directions of local winds along a shoreline?

During the day, onshore winds blow from the water towards the shore due to the temperature difference between the land and water. At night, offshore winds blow from the land out towards the water as the land cools more rapidly than the water.

What happens during the at the beach?

The water is cooler than the land, and wind blows toward the water

What seasonal wind blows toward the land in summer bringing heavy rains and blows away from the land in the winter bringing dry weather?

The monsoon wind blows towards the land in summer, bringing heavy rains due to moisture picked up from oceans, and away from the land in winter, resulting in dry weather as it carries less moisture. This phenomenon is common in regions like South and Southeast Asia.

When wind blows clouds over mountains how does rain normally fall?

As wind blows moist air up a mountain, it cools and condenses, forming clouds. As the clouds rise to higher altitudes, they release moisture in the form of rain or snow when they reach their dew point. This process, known as orographic lifting, causes precipitation to fall on the windward side of the mountain.