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Water is a fluid and bend but not to move its molecule is changed.

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4mo ago

In the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, water bending movements involve fluid and graceful motions. A typical water bending stance includes bending the knees, extending one arm out, and using the other arm to guide the water flow. It requires a sense of balance, focus, and connection with the element of water.

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Simple.... Refraction. Look it up ^_^

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Optical illusions

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Sadly bending isn't real. Its all based on different types of kung-fu. Air bending for example is based from Baw Gua or circle walking. That's the closest you can get to airbending. Itll look like your really bending though.

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Get a clear glass and half fill it with water. Place a straw or stick in the glass and if you look form the side you will see that where the stick enters the water it appear to have a kink in it. This is because the path of light is bent (refracted) by the water. When you stand in water and look down at your legs, this bending of the light make the image of your legs took foreshortened.

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This is because it IS modeled after the "bosom" of a female bending over. This is because most men become attracted to women when they are bending over. Hope this helped.

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When a pencil is placed in water, it appears to bend or break at the surface of the water due to refraction. This effect is caused by light rays bending as they pass from the water to the air, creating an optical illusion.

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