The vacuole is the area inside a plant cell which stores fluids like sap. When the vacuole in a plant cell is full, because the plant has pleanty of nutrients, the plant is rigid, and when the plant is lacking in nutrients, the vacuole is emptier, meaning the plant droops and wilts.
central vacule .
Chemicals, protein, ions and water
Multicellular organisms have specialized cells that work together in different tissues and organs to carry out functions such as respiration, digestion, and reproduction. Cells communicate and coordinate their activities through chemical signals and nerve impulses to maintain homeostasis and ensure survival of the entire organism.
It is called central vacuole. It is distinct in plant cells
The central vacuole in plants serves as a storage organelle for water, nutrients, and waste products. It helps maintain turgor pressure in plant cells, providing structural support and regulating cell expansion.
central vacule .
what is the central vacuole do
To store water.
its a cool thing
the central vacule is a large, fluid filled organelle that stores not only water but also enzymes, metabolic wastes, and other materials
through the cell vacule
steer past chloroplast floating in cytoplasm
its the vacule
Chemicals, protein, ions and water
central vacule .