A tornado warning is worse. It means that a tornado has been detected or the threat of one is imminent. A tornado watch means the overall conditions are favorable to form in a general area.
A tornado watch is issued by the Storm Prediction Center when general weather conditions are favorable for the formation of tornadoes. A watch is not issued for a particular location, but rather covers a large portion of one or more states. A tornado watch only indicates a general threat across a region and not an imminent threat. A tornado warning is issued by a local office of the National Weather Service if a tornado has been spotted or detected or if a thunderstorm has rotation that has a high chance of producing a tornado in the immediate future. A tornado warning usually covers portions of one or two counties based on the location, speed, and direction of the threatening storm.
A tornado can be dangerous within a few miles of its path. It is important to seek shelter immediately if you are in the vicinity of a tornado, as even the outer edges can still pose a threat of flying debris and strong winds.
A tornado is considered a destructive force because it has the potential to cause significant damage to property and poses a threat to human life. Tornadoes are characterized by their high winds and violent nature, which can result in devastation to affected areas.
A hatched area for tornadoes means that there is an estimated 10% or greater chance of a significant (EF2 or stronger) tornado within 25 miles of any point. You cannot have a 10% chance of a significant tornado if the probability of tornadoes overall is less than 10%.
A tornado warned storm is a thunderstorm for which a tornado warning has been issued, indicating that it is capable of producing a tornado. A tornado threat is a general term that refers to the danger tornadoes may pose to an area during a particular storm.
The threat of crime or tornado.
During a tornado watch you should stay alert. Pay attention to broadcasts and advisories for if a tornado warning is issued, especially if there is a thunderstorm in your area. A tornado watch means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes to form, but the threat is not immediate. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted or detected, or there is an immediate threat of one forming.
The greatest threat tornadoes pose comes from debris carried and thrown by the winds.
If a thunderstorm is capable of producing a tornado in the immediate future or if a tornado has been detected then a tornado warning is issued. If general conditions are favorable for tornadoes but there is not necessarily an immediate threat, then a tornado watch is issued.
A tornado warning is worse. It means that a tornado has been detected or the threat of one is imminent. A tornado watch means the overall conditions are favorable to form in a general area.
If there is a tornado watch what you have to remember is that it does not mean there is an imminent threat of tornadoes. Even when you area is under a tornado watch, your chances of actually having a tornado are still quite small.
The reason there are no tornado drills in Canada is because there are not a great threat of tornadoes in Canada enough to have a drill.
A tornado warning is worse. It means that a tornado has been detected or the threat of one is imminent. A tornado watch means the overall conditions are favorable to form in a general area.
The main threat in a tornado is flying or falling debris.
A tornado watch means that general weather conditions are right for tornadoes to form, even if there is no imminent threat. If there is immediate danger of a tornado then a tornado warning will be issued. To help you remember, a tornado watch simply tells you to watch out.
If an announcement indicates a general possibility of tornadoes, but not that there is an imminent danger, then it is called a tornado watch. If there is an imminent threat of a tornado, then a tornado warning is issued.