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I believe that you are talking about a prism, and the process where the light is broken up in to its constituent parts is called dispersion

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3mo ago

A prism is the instrument used to break white light into a rainbow by refracting light at different angles depending on its wavelength.

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14y ago

I a light prism. (I think)

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a prism

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Ambot lang

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Q: What is the instrument used to break white light into a rainbow?
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Which scientist first explained how a prism breaks white light into a rainbow of colors?

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with the first explanation of how a prism is used to break white light into a rainbow of colors. In 1666, Newton conducted experiments using prisms to demonstrate that white light is made up of a spectrum of colors.

What does a prism do to white light to break it up into the colors of the rainbow?

A prism refracts white light, which is composed of different colors with different wavelengths, causing them to bend at different angles. This separation of colors is called dispersion, and it results in the formation of a rainbow when the dispersed light is observed.

An instrument that breaks up white light into spectrum?

A prism is commonly used to break up white light into its spectrum. White light is composed of different wavelengths, each corresponding to a different color. When white light passes through a prism, it is refracted, causing the different wavelengths to separate and create a spectrum of colors.

When you look at white light through a glass prism you see a rainbow of color called?

light is white. if you mix the colors of the rainbow you get white. A prism separates the colors, showing a rainbow.

Why can a prism change white light to a rainbow?

A prism can change white light to a rainbow because white light is made up of different colors, each with a different wavelength. When white light enters a prism, the different colors of light are refracted by different amounts due to their unique wavelengths, causing them to spread out and form a spectrum of colors called a rainbow.

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What is the integral component of a working spectroscope?

it can be break up white light and make a rainbow

What is the break up of white light into seven colours?

It is the refraction of white light being shone through a glass prism, or a raindrop, that separates the white light into the colours of the rainbow.

Which scientist first explained how a prism breaks white light into a rainbow of colors?

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with the first explanation of how a prism is used to break white light into a rainbow of colors. In 1666, Newton conducted experiments using prisms to demonstrate that white light is made up of a spectrum of colors.

What does a prism do to white light to break it up into the colors of the rainbow?

A prism refracts white light, which is composed of different colors with different wavelengths, causing them to bend at different angles. This separation of colors is called dispersion, and it results in the formation of a rainbow when the dispersed light is observed.

An instrument that breaks up white light into spectrum?

A prism is commonly used to break up white light into its spectrum. White light is composed of different wavelengths, each corresponding to a different color. When white light passes through a prism, it is refracted, causing the different wavelengths to separate and create a spectrum of colors.

When you look at white light through a glass prism you see a rainbow of color called?

light is white. if you mix the colors of the rainbow you get white. A prism separates the colors, showing a rainbow.

How white light light makes a rainbow?

White light, if passing through a prism, can make a rainbow via the optics phenomenon known as dispersion.

What are the colours of the rainbow collectively know as?

white light contains all of the colors of the rainbow, so if all of the rainbow's colors shown collectively at one point, the light would be white light (like the sun's light).

Why isn't there white color in rainbow?

White light is actually a combination of all the colors of the rainbow. When white light passes through a prism, it separates into the different colors of the spectrum due to their different wavelengths. The colors we see in a rainbow are a result of this separation of white light.

What color of light are the colors of the rainbow combined?

Mixing the light colours of the rainbow will produce white light (i.e. daylight).

What is the name of the rainbow colors produced from a white light?

The rainbow colors produced from white light are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, commonly known as "ROYGBIV".

What color is made when combining the colors of the rainbow?

Combining all the colors of the rainbow creates white light.