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A table formatted without lines is called a borderless table. It does not have visible borders separating rows and columns, providing a cleaner and more modern design aesthetic.

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Q: What is a table formatted without lines called?
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A table formatted with horizontal and vertical lines is called a boxed table?

A table formatted with horizontal and vertical lines is called a bordered table. The lines are used to separate and emphasize the rows and columns within the table, making it easier to read and understand the data presented.

What are tables formatted with no borders called?

A Table with no lines is called?

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FAT Allocation is called File Allocation Table, it is a way that most USB sticks are formatted. It is used so you can share files with other computers, without a formatted device, it would not function.

What are gridlines in Microsoft word?

Gridlines are the outlines of the cells in a table, to show you where the cells are. These are different to borders, which are lines you draw and are normally automatically included in a table. Borders can be formatted to be different colours or styles or thickness etc. You can remove borders, but gridlines are fundamental to a table. They can't be formatted. They are there for a guide to you to define the table. You can show or hide gridlines and when you print, it is borders that form the lines around the cells, so if you don't have them, you can see your data laid out in a tabular form, with no lines around them. Sometimes that is what you want.

In word which option do you select to paste a copied table so that the structure of the table is maintained?

Formatted Text (RTF)

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It's Root Directory

A is a formatted document that allows you to view and maintain data.?

A table can do this.

What are rows called one a periodic table?

columns are the horizantal lines and groups are are the vertical lines

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Can you convert existing text into a table if the text is properly formatted?

Yes you can.

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What is a horizontal series of cells in a table called?

A horizontal series of cells in a table is usually called a "row". A vertical series of cells in a table is usually called a "column".