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Q: What is a substrate .?
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The binding together of an enzyme and a substrate forms a what?

enzyme-substrate complex.

What to enzymes do in an enzyme-substrate?

in an enzyme-substrate complex, the enzyme acts on the substrate .

Is NAD a substrate or a product?


What is it called when and enzyme and substrate come together?

When an enzyme and substrate come together, it is called the enzyme-substrate complex. This complex is a temporary intermediate state in which the enzyme binds to the substrate to catalyze a chemical reaction.

What is the substrate name for papain?

The substrate name for papain is typically referred to as "substrate Z" in enzymatic studies.

Is nad plus a substrate or product?

NAD+ is a substrate in redox reactions because it serves as a coenzyme that accepts and donates electrons during cellular respiration to facilitate energy production.

What is the substrate for lyase?

the substrate for lyase is sucrase

Is water a substrate?

A substrate is the substance in which an enzyme act, or a process occurs. For example lactose is a substrate, but water is not.

Is glucose a product or substrate?

Glucose can be both a substrate and a product in biochemical reactions. It can serve as a substrate in processes such as glycolysis where it is broken down to produce energy, and as a product in processes like photosynthesis where it is synthesized from carbon dioxide.

Where does an enzymes join with a substrate?

The enzyme substrate complex

What is the name given to the substance that an enzyme works on?

An enzyme will alter its substrate although the specific substrate depends on the enzyme.

In an experiment of Pepsin and BAPNA is pepsin the substrate?

No, pepsin is not the substrate in the experiment with BAPNA. BAPNA is the synthetic substrate used in this experiment to test the activity of the enzyme pepsin by measuring the rate of substrate cleavage. Pepsin acts on BAPNA as the enzyme, not the substrate.