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Q: What is a specific element of how to determine the number of protonsneutronsand electrons in an atom?
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What three particles determine which element you have?

An atom of an element is comprised of protons, electrons, and usually neutrons. The specific element is determined by the number of protons, and so there is only one particle that determines the element.

What type of properties do valence elcectrons determine for an element?

Valence electrons determine the reactivity of the element.

Can you determine whether the atoms are the same element with out looking at the nuclei?

No, we cannot determine if two atoms are the same element without looking at their nuclei. The number of protons in the nucleus is what defines the element, and without knowing this information, we cannot ascertain if the atoms are of the same element.

What do Valence Electrons determine?

Valence electrons determine the reactivity and chemical behavior of an element. Elements with the same number of valence electrons exhibit similar properties and tend to form similar types of chemical bonds.

Why are valence electrons significant?

They are significant because they determine what element would be in a specific block (s,p,d,f).

What particles will always have a constant number in one particular element?

Protons remain constant for a specific element, as they determine the element's identity. Electrons can vary but generally match the number of protons for a neutral element. Neutrons can vary slightly within isotopes of an element.

What number of an element can be used to determine the number of electrons in an atom?

The atomic number of an element can be used to determine the number of electrons in an atom. It is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which also corresponds to the number of electrons in a neutral atom.

Do electrons determine what kind of element an atom is?

Yes, the number of electrons in an atom determines its chemical properties and therefore what kind of element it is. The arrangement of electrons in an atom's energy levels is responsible for the element's characteristics such as reactivity and bonding behavior.

The number of electrons in atoms determine in element's propertices?

the valence electrons cause the chemical reations. the valence electrons decide that element attract to which element.

What are valence electrons and what do they do?

They determine how great is the valence of a chemical element; they are the electrons involved in the formation of a chemical bond.

What are valence electrons and what do they determine?

They determine many things. They can be used to predice hybridization, determine octet, be used to assign formal charges. The simplest answer would be for a intro to chem class, they determine the number of electrons in the atom's "outer ring"

What number of the outer energy level of an atom helps determine which category an element belongs in?

The number of electrons in the outermost energy level, also known as the valence electrons, helps determine which category an element belongs to in the periodic table. These outer electrons are involved in chemical bonding and are responsible for the reactivity and chemical properties of the element.