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Nerve cells have dendrites at the end. They have a long Cytoplasm to transmit nerve impulses for long distances.

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Vanessa Nader

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Q: What is a specialization of a nerve cell?
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Who studies in cell specialization?

Various scientists, biologists, and researchers would study cell specialization. Persons interested in the medical field, would also study in cell specialization.

What does the nerve cell include?

The nerve cell can be thought of as just the nerve body, which is the main part of the nerve cell. The nerve cell is also known as a neuron. The entire neuron includes an axon, nerve body, dendrites, and axon terminals.

What is the difference between the red blood cell and the nerve cell?

the nerve cell is the white cell and it is white but it doesnt care as much blood as the red blood cell does that's the difference. Also, the nerve cell is the white cell and it is white but the red blood carries blood. Wait, I think the nerve cell is the white cell is white. White Cell=Nerve Cell*white. Cell=Nerve/White =;)

What is the Cell that receives and transmit information?

nerve cell or receptors nerve cell or receptors nerve cell or receptors

Which cell is adapted for transmitting message?

Nerve cell

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A cell undergoes this developmental process to become a specialized cell such as a nerve cell blood cell or muscle cell?


What term refers to cells having different jobs?

Cell specialization

What does specialization in cells mean?

The cell has a specific function. Nerve cells, blood cells, and root cells are all types of specialized cells.

What is meant by the term cell specialization?

Cell specialization is a term that is used in biology. How cells specialize to do a specific function is cell specialization. It is controlled by gene regulations.

Who studies in cell specialization?

Various scientists, biologists, and researchers would study cell specialization. Persons interested in the medical field, would also study in cell specialization.

What is cell spacialization in a multicelluular organuism?

first of all these are the correct spellings: "Specialization, multicellular, and organism" in a nutshell, it is why we have skin cells, nerve cells, muscle cells, etc. It is the specialization of the cells due to differences in gene expression of said cells.

What is cell differentiation and cell specialization?

Cell differentiation is the process by which a cell becomes specialized to perform a specific function. Cell specialization refers to the development of various cell types with specific functions within an organism. Both processes involve changes in gene expression that lead to cells acquiring distinct structures and functions.

What is cell specialization(differentiation)?

The specialization of a Cell occurs in two phases: first Differentiation and second Determination.

Is the process by which cells in an organization develop in different ways to perform different tasks?

Cellular differentiation is the process by which cells in an organism become specialized to perform different functions. This specialization allows for the different cell types to work together in a coordinated manner to carry out specific biological processes.

The part of the nerve cell specialized for conducting information is?

The part of the nerve cell specialized for conducting information is the axon. It is a long, slender projection that transmits electrical impulses away from the cell body to other neurons or target cells. The axon is covered by a myelin sheath, which helps to speed up the transmission of signals.

What Nerve cell?

A nerve cell is the structural and functional unit of a nerve

What is the role of cell specialization in the development of tissue?

Cell specialization allows cells to take on specific structures and functions within tissues, promoting overall tissue organization and functionality. Through differentiation, specialized cells can perform unique tasks that contribute to the overall function of the tissue. This specialization is essential for the development of complex multicellular organisms with diverse tissues and organs.