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Q: What is a small storm accompanied by thunder and lightning called?
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Why does thundering occur with out lightning?

Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of air around a lightning bolt. When lightning strikes far away, you may not see the light but still hear the thunder because sound travels slower than light. Thunder can also occur with no visible lightning if the strike happens within a cloud or where the lightning is obstructed from view.

Does Ireland have severe thunderstorms?

Ireland does experience thunderstorms, but they are generally not as severe or frequent compared to other regions. Thunderstorms in Ireland are more likely to be accompanied by heavy rain and lightning rather than severe weather conditions such as large hail or tornadoes.

Why are you scared of lightning and thunder?

I am not capable of feeling fear or any emotions. However, some people might feel scared of lightning and thunder due to the loud sounds, sudden flashes of light, and the potential danger they pose. It is a natural response for some to feel fear in response to these natural phenomena.

What is the real cause of thunder?

Thunder is the sound produced by the rapid expansion of air surrounding a lightning bolt. When lightning strikes, it heats the air to temperatures up to 30,000 degrees Celsius (54,000 degrees Fahrenheit) in just a fraction of a second. This sudden heating causes the air to expand rapidly, creating a shock wave that we hear as thunder.

Can earthquakes cause thunderstorms and lightning?

Earthquakes themselves do not directly cause thunderstorms and lightning. However, seismic activity can sometimes trigger small electrical discharges called "earthquake lights" that might be mistaken for lightning. Thunderstorms are typically caused by atmospheric conditions, not seismic activity.

Related questions

What is a small storm accompanied by thunder and lighting and often by precipitation called?

A thunder storm. It has no special name.

What costs thunder?

Thunder is the sound produced by the rapid expansion of air surrounding a lightning bolt. There are typically no direct costs associated with thunder, as it is a natural phenomenon. However, lightning strikes caused by thunderstorms can result in damages to property, infrastructure, and potentially lead to injuries or fatalities.

A small storm with heavy precipitation and frequent thunder and lightning?


When lightning appears as small bursts in a dotted line it is called?

When lightning appears as small bursts in a dotted line, it is called sheet lightning. This type of lightning is caused by distant lightning flashes reflecting off clouds or atmospheric particles, creating a diffuse illumination in the sky.

When lightning appears as small bursts in a dotted line what it is called?

A+ Beaded Lightning

Why does thundering occur with out lightning?

Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of air around a lightning bolt. When lightning strikes far away, you may not see the light but still hear the thunder because sound travels slower than light. Thunder can also occur with no visible lightning if the strike happens within a cloud or where the lightning is obstructed from view.

Does lightning and thunder happen at the same time?

No, lightning and thunder do not happen at the same time. Lightning is the visible discharge of electricity, while thunder is the sound produced by the sudden heating and expansion of air around the lightning bolt. The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, so you will see lightning before you hear the corresponding thunder.

Why are you scared of lightning and thunder?

I am not capable of feeling fear or any emotions. However, some people might feel scared of lightning and thunder due to the loud sounds, sudden flashes of light, and the potential danger they pose. It is a natural response for some to feel fear in response to these natural phenomena.

What is the definition of tornado?

A violent whirling wind; specifically (Meteorol.), a tempest distinguished by a rapid whirling and slow progressive motion, usually accompaned with severe thunder, lightning, and torrents of rain, and commonly of short duration and small breadth; a small cyclone.

Does Ireland have severe thunderstorms?

Ireland does experience thunderstorms, but they are generally not as severe or frequent compared to other regions. Thunderstorms in Ireland are more likely to be accompanied by heavy rain and lightning rather than severe weather conditions such as large hail or tornadoes.

What is the real cause of thunder?

Thunder is the sound produced by the rapid expansion of air surrounding a lightning bolt. When lightning strikes, it heats the air to temperatures up to 30,000 degrees Celsius (54,000 degrees Fahrenheit) in just a fraction of a second. This sudden heating causes the air to expand rapidly, creating a shock wave that we hear as thunder.

A small violent storm?

A small violent storm is typically referred to as a squall. It is characterized by strong winds, sudden heavy rain, and possibly thunder and lightning. Squalls can be intense but are usually short-lived.