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DNA uses chromosomes 23 from your mom, and 23 from your dad. (46 together). If both your parents have brown eyes, there's a big chance of getting brown eyes.If both your parents have brown eyes and you get blue eyes that is a ressesive trait.

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Q: What is a small piece of DNA that tells a cell how to express a trait?
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Is childish a trait?

Yes. It actually is a character trait because it tells you about how someone is.

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An organism that is homozygous recessive for a trait carries two copies of the recessive allele for that trait. This means that the individual will express the recessive trait because there is no dominant allele to mask its expression.

What is a person who has recessive allele for a trait but does not express that trait?

They would be considered a carrier. ------------------------------- More precisely a heterozygote. A carrier would imply that the recessive trait causes disease.

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A carrier is somebody has has a specific gene trait but does NOT express it.

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Yes, organisms that are purebred for a trait will generally express the same characteristics for many generations as long as there is no genetic mutation or environmental influence that causes a change in the trait. This is because purebred organisms have homozygous genotypes for that trait, resulting in consistent expression of the trait in offspring.

What is an organism that has different factors for a particular trait?

my science book tells me that it is phenotype

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if he names a trait that you have then yes

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An allele that produces a trait in the heterozygous condition is called dominant. This means that only one copy of the allele is needed to express the trait.

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A recessive gene is a gene that does not express itself in the presence of a dominant gene of the same trait. When an individual inherits two recessive genes for a trait, the recessive gene will be expressed.