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Q: What is a small Airsac on the tip of a bronchiole?
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What is the medical term meaning bronchiole?

Bronchiole is the medical term meaning small bronchi

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What is the name of the small subdivision of the bronchi?

Bronchi divide into bronchioles.

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What is the main difference between a bronchus and a bronchiole?

A bronchiole has no cartilage in its wall, a bronchus does.

What is the order of passageways from proximal to distal?

The order of passageways from proximal to distal in the human body is typically mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum), large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum), and anus.

What is a the hollow part of a bird called?

The hollow part of a bird is called the airsac.

What organs are apart of the respiratory system?

The parts are the Trachea,Bronchiole,Bronchiole Tubes, Bronchi, and the air sacs.

What are the small chambers of the lungs that are involved in the exchange of gases?

The alveoli are small sacs within the lungs where gas exchange occurs. They are located at the ends of bronchiole branches.

What is at the end of the bronchiole?

A air sac