She scrubbed the kitchen until it was spotlessly clean.
His wife was incredibly house proud and their home was immaculately clean.
The nouns in the sentence are:peoplesmellfoodsgrassrain
Cleanly. But it doesn't relate to being free from dirt (clean) or to cleaning. He hit the ball cleanly into the bleachers. She lifted the box cleanly from the floor.
The stream was unpolluted and clean. The ground was unpolluted with the toxin.
The subject in the sentence "clean your room" is "you."
Example sentence: I will clean the house."Will" replaced with "About to": I am about to clean the house."Will" replaced with "going to": I am going to clean the house.
Please clean the erasers. That's a clean machine!
Yes, the sentence "my home is very neat and clean" is a descriptive sentence because it provides information about the state of cleanliness in your home.
Sure! The queen wore a clean gown to the ball.
"Our community worked on keeping our ecosystem clean."
The adjectives are clean
She always keeps her house clean and tidy.
You are to clean the chalkboard after school.
I command you to clean your room!
Actually a good sentence is your mom could say"Go clean your room". You could say"whatever". The sentence would be. Go clean you room, whatever!
The tense of the verb "clean" in the sentence is future tense, indicated by the auxiliary verb "will."