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Q: What is a seed and how do they protect a young plant?
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Which of the following is the part of the stem closest to the seed ina young plant?

The radicle, or embryonic root, is the part of the stem closest to the seed in a young plant. It is the first part of the plant to emerge from the seed during germination.

What part of the plant protects a young flower?

Sepals protect a young flower by enclosing it before it blooms. Sepals are usually green and located at the base of the flower.

A young plant grown from a seed?

yes plant starts off as a seed then it sprouts then its done

Is the seed is the young plant that develops from fertilized egg?

No, a seed is the structure formed in the ovary of a flowering plant after fertilization. It contains the embryonic plant and stored food reserves to support its growth when it germinates. The young plant develops from the seed after germination.

The portion of the stem nearest to the seed in a young plant is known as the?

The portion of the stem nearest to the seed in a young plant is known as the hypocotyl.

What is the young plant within a seed?

embryo :)

What does seed coat do?

The seed coat in a plant helps protect the embryo from damage and predators.

What is the function of a plumule in a seed?

The plumule is the bud of a young plant; the portion of the plant embryo giving rise to the first true leaves. Without the plumule you'd have no leaves.

What is another name for a baby plant inside the seed?

The young plant inside a seed is called an embryo. no the embyro is fertilized to create the seed. the answer is an enbryonic plant

A young plant growing within the seed?


What is a young plant growing within a seed?


Tiny young plant and stored food?
